Down, Down, You Put Me Down

On Saturday 3rd August 2019 off we journeyed in the glorious summer sunshine down to Wycombe. An excited bunch of youngsters and old-timers all mixed together in a mini-bus, ale flowing, newspapers stretched out into the small voids between passengers as odds for horse races were read out. In the background the “mix-tape” of an eclectic myriad of tunes was playing.

Early doors it would probably have been the tried and tested stuff – Stone Roses, Stereophonics and The Jam. As the beer flowed, the conversations spilled over into memories of previous away trips. It wasn’t the only thing spilling, someone put a less than empty can into the overhead bag space and everyone on the right side of the bus was splashed in Merrydown. This quite probably coincided with The Worzels making their entrance from the stereo speakers!

“This wasn’t your usual opening day fixture though, far from it.”

After a couple of stops along the way to empty the bladders and stock up on sundries at the services, the mini-bus closed in on Wycombe. The tunes had turned to the raucous sounds of Quo!! Oh yes, no stone unturned on these mix-tapes!! Then the Wanderers songs kicked-in, whilst the back of the seats were drummed hard and loud, all were surprisingly in good spirits. It was of course, the opening game of the season and everyone was as excited as a kid on Christmas Eve… with the small fear of “what if Santa hasn’t been?”. This wasn’t your usual opening day fixture though, far from it. It was a match that many of us, over the summer months, contemplated not happening. The previous season had seen unpaid players going on strike, fixtures unfulfilled and points deducted. It had seen demonstrations inside and outside the stadium and all over social media. Bolton’s owners had gone into hiding and there was a huge chance our wonderful club of over 120 years could be wound up, gone, out of business, dead. DEAD!

Wanderers fans
Wycombe 2019

This was serious stuff! We pulled into Wycombe and surprisingly bumped into a number of our players, in their full training gear, looking spritely. Of note, I chatted to Jason Lowe, he had been made our captain and was one of only a handful of players who had decided to stay at the club over the summer. I told him he was a hero for doing this and we, the fans, really appreciated it. Erhun Otzumer was also with him and we swapped banter. Though there was a clear absence of many of the previous season’s senior players, all seemed calm and relatively well.

Roll on a couple more hours, bypassing our time in a “strip-pub” that was, errr, stripless!! The queues for the away end at Adams Park were huge. Wow. It was a sellout and everyone was there for one reason – to support the club they loved and had loved for an eternity.

Wycombe Notice

Inside the ground we stood speechless at the memo taped to the wall from Wycombe FC’s owners… “Welcome Bolton Wanderers, we stand with you in your love of football. We respect your loyal support of your club at this time. We wish you all the best for the future.” Wow. Blown away.

The team took to the pitch in a “makeshift” strip. What the heck? Not even an official kit or sponsor. The team was made up mainly of youngsters and held their own for nearly an hour before the inevitable Wycombe goals.

The Wanderers fans sang their hearts out at the end. Some where questioned by the stewards and police at why they were so happy in defeat. Of course we all know the answer to that. WE STILL EXISTED.

“That was a great day, my club made sure that the Bolton fans were welcome and that we as football stood with them.” Nicky Busby, Wycombe Supporter

A week later we had the monumental goalless draw with Coventry at home. Within days the coals in the crematorium were lit and the faceless henchmen gathered with their shovels and brushes, waiting to clean up after the eradication of our club.

Sky Sports also gathered around the doom like a bunch of vultures by the side of a busy Death Valley highway at dawn. Their countdown to extinction clock was of bad taste and the whole world of football came out in condemnation. (This actually deserves a feature of its own at a later date).

On 27th August at 5pm, with Bolton and Bury on the edge of the precipice it was only Bury that toppled over. The Wanderers were given a small extension as it appeared a buyer had been found. Within another 24 hours details of that buyer was released, Bolton had been saved. A new dawn at our famous football club.

Some two years later, as we welcome Wycombe back to our stadium, the ship appears to have been steadied by Sharon Brittan and Football Ventures. The Wanderers appear to be on a safer footing. Whilst on the football front we also appear to be heading in the right direction. It would be nice to lay one last ghost of yesteryear to rest… and finally beat Wycombe after four straight losses without a bloody goal to our name!!


Ipswich (A)


Oh, What A Knight